Welcome to the 2021 RCOP & ICCRE!
Thank you for registering for the joint Regional Conference on Permafrost (RCOP) and 19th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering (ICCRE)! We are excited about an interactive conference with a great program and are looking forward to meeting you (virtually).
- E-Attend is available here.
- SpatialChat is available here.
To login, use your email address you used to register. If you have any problems logging into the E-Attend platform, please contact the platform help team.
- Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN): Sign up here for Poster and Presentation Awards
- Permafrost Engineering Education (PEEP): Learn about award opportunity here.
VIRTUAL PLATFORMS TIPS & TRICKS (download a pdf with screenshots here)
Virtual Platforms:
We are using two conference venues: E-Attend and SpatialChat. You can access both using your email address (see above).
- View Keynotes presentations (live) [KEYNOTES],
- see the event schedule [EVENT SCHEDULE],
- access technical sessions (under EVENT SCHEDULE --> More Info --> Click Here to Join),
- view all posters and recorded presentations [POSTERS],
- Access the exhibit hall [EXHIBIT HALL],
- View a list of Registrants (INFORMATION --> Fine Colleagues),
- Access Poster Sessions (from LOBBY --> Poster Hall),
- On-demand
- Be patient when accessing presentation files in e-Attend. Large files can take a little time to load and may look unavailable.
- Note that recorded presentations are also labeled as "Posters". (Yes, we agree it's confusing).
- This is where we host our poster sessions and social events!
- You can move your avatar around the room and access different poster sessions (drop downs on the right side of screen).
- The closer you move to a speaker's avatar, the louder the speaker will sound.
- There is a megaphone function that will make you audible to the entire room (careful!)
- Some of the poster sessions did a "few minute walk" in SpatialChat during their scheduled. The session attendees moved from poster to poster at the same time and allowed presenters a few minutes to present and answer questions. Conveners kept time.
- If you are on a government computer, you may not be able to get onto SpatialChat. Don't give up! Try on your personal computer because it's a GREAT way to interact!
- Anna Liljedahl will be in SpatialChat tomorrow morning starting at 9:30 Mountain Time (or 7:30 Alaska Time) to give people guidance on how to use SpatialChat.
Conference Registration will remain open during the conference. However:
- All presenters and session chairs MUST register before 5:00 PM MST Sunday, October 24.
- General attendees MUST register before 5:00 PM MST the day before they plan to attend.
Once you registered, you will receive an email with login information to the virtual platform, and access to the conference paper proceedings.
IMPORTANT: We are updating access to the platform throughout the day. You may not have access immediately after you register.
Schedule for Tuesday (all times in Mountain Time)
You can find our overview and detailed schedule for the conference here. On Monday, we are looking forward to:
10 to 11am: Poster Presentations
- Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) [Session 7]
- Transportation Engineering in Permafrost [Session 8]
11am to 12pm: Keynote Speaker
- Margaret Darrow: Plenary Presentation and Eb Rice Lecture - Tears of a Rapper: The Science and History behind the Art of Frozen Debris Lobe Rap Videos. {Prepare for this presentation and watch one of these famous videos here!}
12 to 1pm: Parallel Technical Sessions
- Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) [Session 7]
Transportation Engineering in Permafrost [Session 8]
1 to 2pm: Meet our Sponsors in the Exhibit Hall!
2 to 3pm: Parallel Technical Sessions
- WORKSHOP: Permafrost Data Systems [Session 9]
- Snow, vegetation, and permafrost interactions and advancements in sensing/monitoring techniques [Session 10]
3 to 4pm: Parallel Technical Sessions
- Planetary Permafrost [Session 11]
- Engineering Properties of Frozen Soils [Session 12]
4 to 5pm: Poster Presentations
- WORKSHOP: Permafrost Data Systems [Session 9]
- Snow, vegetation, and permafrost interactions and advancements in sensing/monitoring techniques [Session 10]
- Planetary Permafrost [Session 11]
- Engineering Properties of Frozen Soils [Session 12]
The ASCE Publication:
'Permafrost 2021 - Merging Permafrost Science and Cold Regions Engineering, Proceedings of the RCOP & ICCRE'
(edited by Jon Zufelt, PhD, PE, D.WRE)
is now available to all conference registrants! The proceedings contain 34 peer-reviewed papers on permafrost science and cold regions engineering in the Arctic and global permafrost regions.
Access to your free copy of the proceedings is provided in your welcome email.
- The first conference workshop is PYRN's Student Day on Sunday, October 24 from 10am to 2pm Mountain time. To register for this workshop, fill out this form.
- Please find our conference schedule here.
- We will send out conference updates from [email protected] daily throughout the conference. Please add this email to your contacts so you don't miss any pertinent messages.
- We will add our conference updates on this page. Please check back regularly.
Conference Sponsors
Platinum |
Gold |
Silver |
Bronze |