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Webinar #1: Permafrost Overview
Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM AKDT
Category: Events

The U.S. Permafrost Association (USPA) is pleased to announce the USPA Technical Training Webinar Series. The webinars are offered on Zoom. Each webinar is 1 hour long, including a 50-min lecture and 10-min Q&A. Certificate of Professional Development Hours (PDH) will be provided to participants who request it after each webinar. The webinars are free for USPA members and all students. For non-USPA members who are not students, the registration fee is $20 for each webinar.
The first USPA webinar on Permafrost Overview is sponsored by Arctic Foundations, Inc., Shannon & Wilson, PND Engineers, Inc., GW Scientific, and Katherine Schexneider.
Registration and fees for each webinar

• USPA members: FREE
• Non-USPA students: FREE
• Non-USPA members (non-student): $20
• Instructors to volunteer their time
• Recorded webinar freely available to all USPA members
• Minimum number of participants: 10; maximum number of participants: 100

Registration link: https://uspa.memberclicks.net/technicalwebinar1
Date and Time: Wednesday, October 25, 2023. 2:00 to 3:00pm EDT (10:00 to 11:00am AKDT)
Instructor: Dr. Vladimir Romanovsky, Professor Emeritus of Geophysics, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Content of Webinar: Definition of Permafrost and its geographical extent. Seasonally thawed and seasonally frozen layers ("active layer"). The most important properties of permafrost: temperature, thickness, ice content, and type of frozen material. Different forms of ice in permafrost. Thermal state of permafrost and its recent changes. Stages of permafrost thawing: increase in summer thawing depth vs. supra-permafrost talik formation. Different approaches to permafrost preservation.
Brief Introduction of Instructor: Dr. Vladimir Romanovsky is a Professor Emeritus of Geophysics at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). He was the past President of USPA and past Vice-President of the International Permafrost Association. He led the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Laboratory at UAF. His work involves internationally coordinated research on permafrost temperature changes in Alaska, Russia, Canada, Greenland, and Mongolia. He conducts numerical modeling of past, present, and future permafrost dynamics and remote sensing of permafrost and periglacial processes.

Format: The webinar is offered on Zoom. The webinar is 1 hour long, including a 50-min lecture and 10-min Q&A. Certificate of Professional Development Hours (PDH) will be provided to participants who request it after each webinar. The webinars are free for USPA members. The webinars will be moderated. The seminars will be recorded and uploaded on the USPA website. Future participants can register and watch the webinar individually and receive PDH. Registration fees for non-USPA members to watch the recorded webinar are the same as in the live webinars.